Sunday, June 17, 2007

Week Two

These past 7 days have been much much better than the first 4. In the beginning it was such a struggle to get used to a new language, and although I still can`t follow most conversations 100%, I usually understand what the people are saying and they are pretty nice about it when I accidentally say something totally inappropriate! The culture is extremely different here than in the United States and each day is a learning experience.
The area is so beautiful that words cannot describe. It rains most afternoons, but yesterday there was a large thunderstorm that although terrifying, was beautifully cleansing as well. The thunder here is the loudest I`ve ever heard it and it rolls from mountain top to mountain top. And there is no time to count between lightening strikes and and thunder; it is a constant cannon of light and sound.
The people in the town of Tlaxiaco are very open to friendship, and there are already at least 4 women between the ages of 30 and 60 that are offended if we don`t come visit at least once a day (except weekends!) I love these women so much and they have been such a blessing to learn Spanish from! It is not strange to wander into a shop and have a conversation or make friends without any intent of buying anything, and honestly it seems so rare for shops to actually sell their merchandise that I haven`t figured out how they stay open.
On Wednesday I visited a village called Yucanama with my leader Angela and another intern, Julia. This was an amazing experience! One of the women from the village has been sick for quite some time, and although she has believe in idol worship most of her life she has began to ask Angela (who has known her for at least 1 year) and now us, about Jesus, and she wants to know if we believe he really healed people. She reminded me so much of when I was in the hospital, and unsure of how my life would turn out, and unsure if the doctors would ever find out what was wrong. My heart hurt for her because I can sympathize with the look of hopelessness she wore. I was startlingly bold and asked her if it was ok to read her a story from the bible and she was excited to allow this. So I read her a story from the Gospels about the Miracles of Healing Jesus performed. She wept and thanked me, because although she is still ill and in pain, she said her heart felt comfort to know that people love her and wish to see her recover. It reminded me very much of when my Grandma was sick and many people from our small town came to pray for her and show their love. I am sure that not all of you reading this believe in miracles, or believe in Christ, but I write my experiences in confidence because of the healing I have experienced in my own life.
It is hard to not count down the days until I will be back in America because I miss my family, especially my Mom and Dad so much, but I am learning and growing so much from this experience it is indescribable.
This week I also helped dig a well for a woman that was in need of water for her corn crops. Which seems ironic since I just learned from my Dad that my home in Ohio hasn`t had rain since I left! ... But digging wells is one of my favorites parts of this trip. It is hard work, but the group of guy interns specifically requested my help because I did so well the first day, which made me feel really good about myself and my abilities. I am so excited to help provide water for people that truly need it. I also helped build a water purifier, designed by an engineering firm called Equip. Clean water is only found in bottles in Mexico and water purifiers are a new concept to this area. Being in Mexico has made me aware of so many blessings I have in the United States and overlook daily. Especially clean water. And showers. It is not rare to go weeks without a shower here...and I have been lucky to get 2 showers a week!

Thank you SO MUCH to those of you that have sent emails! I have read them all and hearing from my friends and family truly makes me smile and knowing I`m in your thoughts and prayers keeps me going throughout the week when I have no contact with those I love in the States! Keep the emails coming! Especially the words of encouragement- they mean more than you could ever know!


  1. I love reading about your experiences there! I hope that everything is well and I will be praying for that healing of that woman. She sees Jesus in you and that is amazing. I'm going to be going to Monterrey this Wednesday and I'll be thinking about you. :)

    Take care and God bless,

  2. I knew God would reveal to you your purpose in Mexico soon enough! You are doing amazing things in Mexico and I am so proud of you. I love seeing how God is working in your life and cannot wait to hear everything from you in person. I LOVE YOU!!

  3. Danielle, Glad to hear you are enjoying your trip. You are a much better writer than a travel agent. (recalling your trip to Chicago with your cousins and experience with receiving passport) Ha! Enjoy reading your experiences. Miss you in Ohio. Love, Cheryl
