Monday, June 4, 2007

A delayed start...

As many of you already know, I have yet to arrive in Oaxaca (Wa-HA-kaa) Mexico for my missions internship due to passport troubles. Despite having applied for my passport in February and being in contact with both my Senator and Congresswoman, my passport was not finished before my flight was scheduled to leave June 2nd. This was decidedly a blessing in disguise; I've been fortunate to spend several more days in Clifton spending quality time with the people I love, and also becoming more prepared for my trip.

To make a long story short: I am taking the MegaBus to Chicago at 1:30am Tuesday, and miraculously I have obtained an appointment at the passport agency in Chicago at 9am!! Continental has been an amazing blessing and they graciously scheduled a flight without a hefty charge. I feel so blessed that I know the area in Chicago well and not only can I get around the city on my own, but I can stay with my sister until my plane leaves on Wednesday.

This is a delayed start to my trip, but I feel it could not be more perfect. I am so excited to start my journey, and I plan to keep everyone posted through this blog and email. Over and over, I have been amazed at the difference between my planning, and the plans God has in store for my life. Thank you all for your prayers and support, I appreciate them more than you can imagine and they will make all the difference this summer!


  1. You will continue to be in my prayers as you change the lives of Oaxacan people and as your life is transformed. Im glad that I was able to spend the extra time with you.

  2. Good luck Danielle! I know everything will work out beautifully for you! It always does. You are in my prayers always. Happy b-day tomorrow...may it be blessed with safe travels! Love you!

  3. Danielle....this is your former professor. She is thinking of you, wishing all things good for you, and thanks you for allowing her to experience this journey with you. God Bless.

  4. Happy Birthday Danielle! Hopefully you're on your way. I hope you have a wonderful experience and I'll check in periodically. Love, Auntie M

  5. Danielle,

    I didn't know that you had this trip on your agenda for the summer! It sounds like it will be an amazing experience and opportunity to love people closer, into, and futher into the Kingdom of God! I think that it is pretty darn amazing that you talked to our senator and congresswoman about your passport too. Isn't God funny? He works things out with a sense of humor! I will pray for your safety and for your mission, that God would pour himself out through your work and conversations!

    God Bless,

