Sunday, July 1, 2007

Halfway Already?!

To begin, I`m not quite sure what to say about this week. It definitely flew by! My friendships with the women in Oaxaca are continuing to flourish, and I have learned a lot about the Mexican culture this week.
I learned quite a bit about Catholicism in Mexico...and I was floored how much is strays from the teachings of Christ. They believe in fantasmas which are evil spirits that can only be warded away by sacrificing and praying to the saints. And my good friend, Lucy, whom is 20 and works in her fathers clothing store, was shocked to find out that Catholics in the US don`t sacrifice in the name of the saints.

...she was also shocked to hear people don`t ride horses into the town for festivals in the US...

It has been awesome to form a true friendship with Lucy for the past two weeks. She finds my life in the US as fascinating as Ashley, my ministry partner, and I find her life in Mexico. Lucy gets bored pretty easily working in the store all day, and it has been so invigorating to see how genuinely happy she is when we visit!
Our conversations range from everything from how expensive college is, to gross materialism in the United States to her beliefs on the saints and church. She said she lives her life in fear because the fantasmas will capture your body and destroy your soul if you are not faithful to sacrificing and praying to the saints. She was completely amazed and excited to learn that not everyone in the world lives in fear. She said she doesn`t like believing in the powers of these evil spirits but it is all she has ever known, so she constantly asks Ashley and I questions about our faith.

Isaiah 35:4

Say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, and do not fear,
for your God is coming to destroy your enemies.
He is coming to save you.”

She also asks a lot if we believe in miracles, which I do. Lucy wants to believe in miracles but she can`t. It was cool to have an honest conversation with her on what she believes and why, and what I believe and why. What is even more amazing is that at the end of the conversation, we are all still great friends. I do not judge her and she does not judge me. Friendships like this are hard to find in America...but even harder to find in Mexico. Honest conversations are rare in Mexico because the culture is so focused on being hospitable and conforming to others opinions to make them happy. I`m not one for conformity, and Lucy actually thanked Ashley and I for being different. For being geniuine people that aren`t afraid to talk about what they believe in. Praise God that I have been given the strength to be myself in Mexico even though it is a bit taboo!

In other news, I, along with the 6 other female interns, will be moving into an apartment tomorrow! This apartment is in a little barrio on the edge of Tlaxiaco, meaning no more taxi rides into town! This is a relief because all 7 of us girls are usually sqwished into 1 car meant for 5 people. Oh, and one thing everyone should experience before they die is driving in Mexico. It really is an adventure! There are speedbumps like crazy and there isn`t actually designated correct sides to drive on. But have no worries; as crazy as the drivers here are, it`s safe to say taxi`s are much safer than in America! And much cheaper. $0.40!
But in all seriousness, I am excited to be living closer to town; having real neighbors and really experiencing life in a Mexican ciudad! This last month is going to be pretty different than the first.

As of today I have 34 days remaining in Mexico. It`s pretty shocking and sad to know that this adventure will be over all too soon...but I am excited to return to the US to prepare for school, and begin my teaching observation/internship on September 19th! And of course because I miss everyone!

I`m excited about this coming week: More well drilling, 4th of July Mexican firework style- off the top of a mountain, and my friend Ellen turns 19 on July 3rd too - so it will be a week full of fiestas!

Thanks so much for checking in on my adventures, and keep me in your thoughts and prayers! I promise the next post will be better! I`m feeling pretty scatter-brained today!

Nos Vemos,


  1. I love you and miss you!! cannot wait to see you and hear in person about everything. Keep enjoying the experience. <3
    i'm praying for you,


  2. Happy 4th Danielle. Tell you friend Happy Birthday. Glad to hear you are still finding new adventures and meeting all types of people. This month will definintely open your eyes to even more culture being in town now. Enjoy every moment. Your time there will be over all too soon. Enjoy. Michele

  3. Danielle,
    Sounds like your trip is extremely adventurous! Keep up the great work! I am so glad to see that your making such an impact on others lives as well as you opening up so they can impact your life so deeply. I can't wait till you get back. Everyone misses you around the good ole' Rec!


    Sean Finley

  4. Danielle! It sounds like you are growing and learning so much. Although your trip got off to a rough start I'm so very happy that you are getting this experience and meeting new people! I can't wait to hear about your trip in person and watch the way you express it and see your pictures! I love you and miss you!
