Sunday, June 3, 2012

Does This Count as Farming?

I've debated back and forth about keeping this blog since I'm so inconsistent with it. But recently, I've realized that I need a place to talk about stuff that is not related to work. And I know family in Ohio has said multiple times that they would like to finally see pics of our house. So...without further adieu, we are starting in my favorite place - the garden :)
 Does this count as farming? I surely think it should. I mean, come on people, farming is in my blood! 
My little 3x7 plot us using the 'Square Foot Gardening' method. I decided to plant cucumbers, tomatoes (cherry and "Better Boy" varieties), green and red peppers, peas, baby watermelon, summer squash, bush beans (pole beans would have been better with SFG but I missed the planting season) and baby pumpkins. I also planted green onions but those didn't grow. So I stuck the remnants of store bought green onions in the ground and those re-grew! 

Being a first-year Texas gardener definitely has a steep learning curve. Here are some of the things I've learned, many the hard way.
  1. You can start planting in, like, January. And no, I'm not exaggerating
  2. If you don't plant by the beginning of March, you've missed a large part of the planting season, but it's okay because you get a 2nd chance in September for 'cool weather' veggies like carrots, onions, etc.
  3. I am zone 9a. It took forever for me to figure this out and I am posting it here for memory. The greater Houston area can be zones 8a or 8b or 9a or 9b...geesh.
  4. It doesn't get cold enough to kill most bugs during our 'winter,' and this is not a good part of the subtropical climate deal.
  5. Buy the Disease Resistant seed varieties if at all possible. My peas were struck with powdery mildew and I doubt they will make more than one crop.
  6. Grubs are from the devil. Seriously. I found out this morning that the reason my squash and pumpkins are dying is they have been eating the stems from the inside out. See here. Michael and I spent a 1/2 hour slicing these buggers out of the stem with a knife and squishing them. We still aren't sure if it's too late to save the plants, but at least I can replant still if I have to.
I know this will largely be a learning experience, but it has been really cool to see how only God can provide for the seeds and plants to grow and bear fruit, and we are hoping to have some veggies to share with our friends within a few weeks time!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Kitchen Paint Colors

So Michael and I have been kicking around ideas about painting the living room for awhile and are looking for some input! Our cabinets are in pretty good condition but are 50+ years old and replacing them is not an option, so we thought maybe painting them would be a nice face lift. Also, the flooring, counters and appliances are new and we need to work with these colors. We are looking for feedback on what colors to go with, so please pick your favorite and leave a comment! <3 Danielle

Our Kitchen Now

 Crisp Linen Cabinets, Hearts of Palm Walls

 Crisp Linen Cabinets, Zeus Walls

Greek Villa Cabinets, Hearts of Palm Walls

Zeus (Grey) Cabinets, Hearts of Palm Walls

Urban Bronze Lower Cabinets, Greek Villa Upper Cabinets, Hearts of Palm Walls

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rethinking Genesis One

Genesis 1 often causes so many biological & theological debates, but God has such a greater purpose for this text than simply stating a written order of creation. What does any good author do at the beginning of a book? They must establish the characters and their motives of course! The Bible, being the inspired word of God, is no different. There is a basic framework to the creation story; repetitive phrases that revel a great deal about God and His character. Here is a quick look at what we learn about God's character in Genesis 1 from a few repetitive phrases.

  • "God said" - God spoke everything into being. Before anything is created, God speaks it.
  • "And it was so" - God has all authority. Everything He spoke came into existence.
  • "God saw that it was good" - God didn't make mistakes. He delights in what he created. He worships and glorifies himself.
  • "God separated" - God creates order. The Earth, sun, moon and stars all have their place.
  • "according to their kinds" - God continues to make order. Things are made according to their kind, seeds to seeds, fruit to fruit, sea creatures to sea creatures, birds to birds, livestock to livestock, ground crawlers to ground crawlers. And now here is the beauty of this phrase "according to their kinds." When it comes to the creation of man, God says, "let us make man according to Our likeness." God has used the creation of creatures according to their kinds to reveal that we are set aside as something different. You and I were made in the very image of God. This is a beautiful truth.
  • "God blessed them" - God commands and blesses the birds and sea creatures to multiply, and man to be fruitful, multiply, fill the Earth, subdue it and rule over it.
  • "I have given you" - God is so giving. He gave all of the seed bearing and green plants for food to everything having the breath of life in it. Every seed bearing plant. Later in Genesis 2, we see that this is every seed bearing plant expect that of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This shows God's character and men's shame in such a stark light. God's commands are not burdensome. He gives in abundance, and we still want the one thing that He said no to. The Good News today, is that we have a Savior that knows our shame and sin, and has given His all so that we can know Him. Thank you Lord!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Color Allowed

So, the big news around here right now is that Michael and I are in the process of buying our first home! This has been an amazing journey, that I will share more about in a later post. We never expected we would by a home, let alone in Houston, but God has a way of changing our plans. That He has made a way for us to be able to buy a home is a tremendous miracle and such a blessing. We are praying that our home will be a house of prayer, a place of fellowship, love and laughter, and a light to the community.

One thing I am personally very excited about is that I will be allowed to paint! I have always loved color...the deep blues of the sky and water, the variations in green when the sun is shining on the tree leaves, how the color red is bolder after a rainstorm...and now we are allowed to paint things any color we want!

Michael and I recently picked colors for our bedroom. We are going to use Sherwin Williams - Meander blue on the walls and SW- Lei flower on the shutters in our room. Yes, our room has shutters. The cafe style in the picture below. Too cute! Here are some pictures of the colors. I'll post before and after pictures when we finally get to paint (we haven't closed yet so it will still be awhile). But I welcome comments and suggestions!

Example of the wall color we chose. 'Meander Blue'

We have 2 windows with these cafe style shutters that we are going to paint 'Lei Flower' (above)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Windy City meets H-Town

This past week my sister Laura and her boyfriend Winfield came to visit. We had a great time touring Houston and Austin with them! Here are some of the highlights.

I love my Big Sister!

Battleship Texas

Michael and Winfield showing off their guns. Ha.

Congress street with the State Capitol down the road.
It was about time we visited the Capitol since I've been here 3 years!

Laura & Winfield in Downtown Austin
waiting on the bats. Never wait on a bat.

Beautiful Botanical Garden

We also enjoyed Tex-Mex and a concert in Sugar Land, Austin music, a light show at Miller Outdoor Theater, and the BEST BBQ in Texas at 'The Salt Lick.' We wrapped everything up yesterday and celebrated Resurrection day at church, ate brunch and looked around Rice Village. We had a great time and look forward to seeing our family again soon!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Two Eggs

I caught our little nesting bird during a rare stretching moment this morning. It literally got up and stretched his or her birdie legs! While doing so I got to catch a glimpse of TWO shiny white eggs in the nest. Twins!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baby (bird) Watch

A few weeks ago, two common doves started building a nest on our porch. Isn't momma bird cute sitting in one of my strawberry pots from last year? She and her husband were working their little hearts out, so I just couldn't make them start over building their home somewhere else. On Thursday, the momma laid one egg, and then left for the evening, and I think she may have laid a second egg when she returned. She hasn't left the nest since (she may be switching with the male we were told but we haven't seen that yet.)

Today is day 2 of incubation! We are so excited for our little birdie parents and can't wait to see the little bird(ies) that should hatch in about 14 days!